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We believe in the innate power within you! It is the same expansive energy in all living beings. The gift of our time now is to witness as modern science proves spiritual teachings as true from the ages.

We guide people on their journey inwards. It can be a scary, foreign and overwhelming endeavor yet, it houses all the riches we desire. In the art of self-discovery & developing a balanced, truthful and honest relationship with ourselves, we remove all limitations, shame or doubt. In working with us you'll  clarify who you truly are and alchemize everything else. You'll see yourself moving forward and taking action in your life to create your dreams in material reality! As experts in this transformation process, we share the roadmap & walk along side you. Join us!



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Scientific research works to explain and categorize an understanding of the affects of energy on the material world. We then harness this knowledge for our own well-being and advancements in life!

By integrating a holistic understanding of the mind we learn how it builds our sense of identity, our thoughts, our beliefs and our emotional experiences to write our unique human experience.  

Developing a personal understanding and experience with the ethereal world outside of our 5 senses allows us to live life as capable, connected & thriving human beings to all of life. And most importantly, ourselves.

When we embody this knowledge, we can consciously engage in the world in a meaningful & intentional way. This allows you to be the master of your life & to attain that which you desire moving beyond traumas, memories or fears.

Claim your life back and enjoy increased satisfaction & belonging.

Upcoming Workshops

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