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Let it be enough.

How to embody satisfaction & belonging in the life you lead.


When I sit back and think about the advancing technology & the endless choices we have in any given moment I begin to feel a bit dizzy. And then I remember how we’ve been conditioned to want more or something different. This thirst of never having enough is a blight on our spirit. It is a parasite in our psyche. It is an attack against our precise essence of being a human being.

In truth we are here to be (not to do). And if we are always doing then we must believe that there is something more to attain by the doing and therefore, we must deny this moment as being satisfactory.

To always be striving outside of ourselves into order to attain sufficient reasons to justify our existence and our deliverance from being outcast or undeserving is abuse. An abuse dug into our psyches and then internalized, exercised onto ourselves through our own mind. How sad it is to be one’s own captor.

Then we add on our current “new age” spiritual nonsense (but oh so, familiar indoctrination of oppressors within any regime or religion) and we are told that we can manifest anything if we just get into the right vibration (aka: are worthy, smarter, richer or more humble). What often is left out is that we have karma, previous decisions, stored traumas in the unconscious & beliefs that still tether us to our current reality. And there are still the realities of the environment we are living in, influencing our resources and such.

We can of course, continue to persevere and overcome. However, I am just reminding us to maintain a reasonable perspective of ourselves. A lighter one more importantly...for we all know it is too easy to blame ourselves.

So my endeavor with this publication is to invite you to a softer orientation toward yourSelf.

Consciousness does not grow through bullying. Growth is achieved within by way of curiosity, Love & light-heartedness.

So let me continue to my second assertion… the idea of time. Time may flee quickly or it may stretch slowly, still there is no speeding it up or slowing it down. Our experience of it is perspective driven by focus (aka: what has our attention).

Often there is a gap between our desires (ie: the manifestation) we hunger for & the time that will need to pass before we have the reality we desire. This is to say if it is even within our destiny to have that thing, relationship, etc., etc. Sometimes, we must still develop the character required to hold that manifestation without jeopardizing it or self-sabotaging. It is best we be patient & attain our desires when we are ready and not a moment before so that we may relish in them & maintain them.

In summary, it is helpful to remember that we are human beings who are learning & evolving. We are remembering our powers to weave & create. And yet, we also have been programmed by society & culture in this current decade to believe that we can & should have 100% control of our lives.

And I don’t know about you… but the more I live life it feels the less I have control. But I know this to be a distortion that brings me in circles. A tug between two opposing viewpoints (as alluded to throughout this publication). Hello, complexity.

The Zen Buddhists have a philosophy about how we are always choosing what we want. Although, we like to believe that we are not.

We like to believe we are influenced by other factors and often don’t choose what we want because we believe ourselves to be moral, self-sacrificing, thinking and rational people. For example, we may feel obligated to a personal goal, family or duty and we may say that this is why we sacrifice ourselves for that end goal despite a hidden inner longing that drives inner conflict.

However, there is something within (ie: an identity, personality or personal story) that is choosing this reality above all else. The evidence of this? Because if it were not true, then our reality would simply be… different. The choices made would not have been the choices made.

I’ll be the example and go ahead with saying that this is true… If I’m completely honest (and I try to be unless something is still buried in my subconscious) then I will admit (whole-heartedly) that I would make all the choices I’ve made in my life over again.

Because I understand why I made them.

Perspective allows me to see why at that time in my life, in that situation, with these particular details I made that choice. And because I will not deny who I am (or who I’ve been) I cannot deny my own personal history.

And because I’ve always valued living my life on the pulse of destiny; chasing my truest soul expression & yet, being humbled by my own humanity… I also recognize how complex my identity is (and has been). I accept that if I could have made a different choice - I would have.

So I beg the question; are you sincerely taking action on your desires? And what are you willing to choose?

The last claim I have here is to acknowledge how we are always evolving. What I was “manifesting” ten or five years ago, is what I am living now. I (at some point) wanted this reality & I have been making active choices to create it - because we are always creating our desires! (Once again, the evidence for this? Because if it was not the desire we had, then we would have made a different choice!)

So I must rest in the satisfaction of today because it is indeed a product of who I am and what I’ve crafted.

This begs the question; what of “negative” desires? What then of the choices that have led us to “bad” decisions? Well… we must honor the validity of polarity. The definition of polarity is “the presence of two opposite or contrasting principles.”

We must accept that when we desire something then we also have its equal opposite present. There is no light without darkness. There is no death without life. There is no growth without decay. So in some spiritual teachings there is the notion that the more we experience in one direction, is the same depth or measure that we’ll experience in the opposite direction.

This can be experienced with poverty & wealth. Or pain & joy. Abundance and loss. Some of us experience great depths and heights. We all vary. However, the capacity for its equal opposite is never far off.

And there is nothing wrong with us when we experience this polarity within ourselves.

We are all of it. We are the “best” of ourselves & the “worst” of ourselves. As well as, every shade in between. Which leads me to believe that when we feel we are “not enough” is to expose that we cannot meet ourselves in whichever space we happen to find ourselves in without criticism.

Allow who you are to be enough. Allow what you’re feeling to be enough.

Let it be enough where you are in this moment, today. Let what you’ve done be enough. And within your entirety; let the guilt, the shame or regrets be done. Enough is enough.

And let the forgiveness, self-compassion & appreciation for who you are be enough to soothe your soul. Let the desire to be whole be so great that it becomes true.

Let it be enough so much that it is enough.

And then bask in the glory of the realization that you are enough and you have enough. Celebrate yourself!

(Of course, you can still have dreams, ambitions and goals for the future but these will no longer decompress your happiness, satisfaction and achievements now. And those wrong doings done to you will no longer have teeth clamped down into you because you no longer subscribe to them being so.)

This is redemption. Not for the world to see that you are enough but for you to realize you are enough (with real-eyes).

Big Love,

Maeve Lee

Drop Into Being ~ The Way of Inner Illumination is a reader-supported publication on Substack. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. 🌹

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